Interior birch plywood possesses high mechanical qualities and is broadly used in the construction of the house, furniture, packaging, etc, but what exactly is it that gives it the edge over other materials? Today we are taking why Birch Plywood sheets are referred to in woodworking projects? The advantages of using it?
Advantages of Using Birch Plywood Sheets
Strength and Stability
Birch plywood uses veneers that are sandwiched together, usually at right angles to the layer above or below, also known as a ‘cross bonded’. This results in a product with a void-free core which gives it greater strength and more resistance to shrinkage. Additionally, the void-free core also means that screws bite and hold with 100% of their threads leading to better screw holding, this makes it a great choice for long-term use.
Birch plywood is often chosen for the attractive look of its edges, which can be simply shaped, sanded, and finished as they are resulting, not only in an attractive finish but also saving time and materials. It also boasts thicker back and faces veneers than usually seen on traditional cabinet grade plywood. There are a number of grades of birch veneer available, the highest grade being B/BB which benefits from a whole piece face with a uniform color and no knots, streaks, or patches. If, however, you wish to apply a decorative veneer to it, this is also not a problem as it accepts paper backed veneer well.
Environmental Impact
Birch trees are a fast-growing species native to northeastern Europe, the abundance and speed of growth of Birch trees means that it causes minimal devastation or destruction of biodiversity when they are cut down, making Birch plywood a sustainable choice that has little impact on the environment.
If you have any questions for a future FAQ about Plywood at our range of cut-to-size wood products, or if you want ideas for woodwork projects or techniques, keep an eye on the Direct Facebook page, Twitter and Google+
Fomex greenwood offers Birch Plywood to your exact specifications with thicknesses ranging from 12m – 20mm. Once selected, the price of your Birch Plywood will be automatically calculated at checkout, and will usually be shipped according to the contract.