by Emmy Nguyen Emmy Nguyen No Comments

10+ modern interiors with outstanding plywood

The trend of using wooden industrial furniture is expanding day by day. Industrial wood has many features, diverse designs, styles, and easy to choose from for interiors. Plywood is also a popular industrial wood currently. And what is plywood? Why is industrial plywood used so much for furniture? What are the advantages and disadvantages of plywood? Let’s find out with Fomex Greenwood. In addition, let’s check 10+ modern interiors plywood below can be a great idea for your home.
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by Emmy Nguyen Emmy Nguyen No Comments

What is packing plywood? From Vietnam manufactuer packing plywood

In today’s market, the more products that serve people are created, the higher the level of freight transportation. Packing plywood, boxed plywood is a material used quite a lot to meet this purpose, not only ensuring product protection and easy transportation for users. So what is packing plywood? From Vietnam manufacturer packing plywood?  Why is it used so much? 

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by Emmy Nguyen Emmy Nguyen No Comments

Vietnam plywood companies – What did they do in circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic?

Export plywood from Vietnam

According to the recent report of THE VIETNAM WOOD AND FOREST PRODUCTS ASSOCIATIONThe impacts of the Covid-19 pneumonia outbreak will surely become one of the major challenges for wood industry in 2020, an unanticipated challenge that does not bring good expectations to experts and businesses when it is possible to make the industry’s target more distant than ever.”

Vietnam plywood companies are facing huge difficulties due to the impacts of Covid-19 pneumonia, and challenges from big markets. Read more