by Emmy Nguyen Emmy Nguyen No Comments

Export plywood from Vietnam

According to the recent report of THE VIETNAM WOOD AND FOREST PRODUCTS ASSOCIATIONThe impacts of the Covid-19 pneumonia outbreak will surely become one of the major challenges for wood industry in 2020, an unanticipated challenge that does not bring good expectations to experts and businesses when it is possible to make the industry’s target more distant than ever.”

Vietnam plywood companies are facing huge difficulties due to the impacts of Covid-19 pneumonia, and challenges from big markets.

Difficulties of Vietnam plywood companies

Reduction of demand

Due to harmful effects from COVID 19 leading to slowly of the global market. Statistics from Customs data show that by the end of February 2020, Vietnam’s export of plywood and artificial boards for export decreased 15%.

Changes in import policy of main markets.

Moreover, as heaping up the difficulties, Vietnam hardwood plywood is at risk of being sued for origin fraud from the United States. The double moreover, at the Republic of Korea, The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy has decided to ask the Ministry of Economy and Finance to impose an anti-dumping duty of 9.18 percent to 10.65 percent on plywood imported from Vietnam. The Ministry of Economy and Finance is obliged to make a decision within one month of the final request.Vietnam plywood companies

What do we do in the circumstances?

About member enterprises of FOMEX GROUP, we think that: “we should choose how to face instead of wait until the situation is better”

In the circumstances of the pandemic, Fomex remains to protect our staff and support the partners based on views that overcome the difficulties together.

Sustainable human source

At first, all of the staff, Fomexers, execute follow government regulations correctly, ensure about problems regarding safety in the pandemic, quarantines, and social distancing. Staff in FOMEX is propagandized and protected from the pandemic, stabilize about income and their jobs. Protecting the staff, in the pandemic, is considered as a sustainable factor in our human resource policy.

Sustainable in customer’s relationship

Furthermore, we have updated the situation in various countries regularly, to penetrate difficulties which plywood business partners have been faced as lockdown all of the activations. Listening to customer’s stories, sympathizing with the difficulties of them in this context, we willing to assist in our ability to overcome difficulties together. Sustainability in customer’s relationship is a guideline at all times. This action not only contributes to maintaining a good relationship with our partner but also contributes a small part in bringing back their sympathetic and positive view of the Vietnamese plywood manufacturers and traders.



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